Louise was born on the 24th May 1991 with a disability called Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida is a developmental congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. Louise has therefore been in a wheelchair her whole life as she has little movement in her lower limbs.
At the age of 5 Louise began participating in many sports, swimming, basketball, fencing and soon discovered she had keen interests in Wheelchair Tennis and Wheelchair Racing. Louise Won 7 out of 10 London Mini Wheelchair Marathons which is an un-official World Record. Alongside this she was also playing Tennis and soon realised this was her real passion. Louise has been playing and competing in Wheelchair Tennis ever since, and in 2012 competed in her first Paralympic Games in London which was a dream come true. Louise also competed in the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games, qualifying at her highest ever ranking to date of 10 in the World.
In the summer of 2021 Louise decided to retire from competitive sport after achieving and exceeding all goals she had made herself in her athletic career. She is now self employed working across various roles, such as Commentary, Mentoring, Public speaking, Support work and Consultancy. Alongside this work she is still maintaining her Ambassador roles for local and national charities which are very close to her heart.